When I was younger, I didn't care about UV-Rays and skin damage and applying anything with UPF __ (insert number here) because I had skin that was as tight as a drum head, as smooth as a baby's bottom, and as clean/wrinkle-free as a the shell of an egg. However those days are over. I am aware that I can no longer go out the door without protecting my skin, and believe it or not I am aware that I can no longer tan without the image of an aged, orange-pigment, wrinkly old face haunting me every time I hit the bed. So today... I am doing all that I can to protect myself from those nasty rays that encourage my skin to turn disgugly (that's disgusting and ugly put together; clever, huh? Yes, I already know.) UNFORTUNATELY!!!!!! UPF whatever is not enough. Get ready, kids.. cause this is going to stress you out (or maybe that's just me; I hear stress causes wrinkles...): NOW you have to protect your skin from UV-Rays by the color of clothing you wear!! O.O .....WHAT THE?! The darker the color you wear, the more protection you are giving your skin. What... You don't believe me? READ. Good thing I love to wear black all day everyday every damn day.
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