
i understand. it doesn't feel like summer in this corner of the country. it's quite depressing. but hey! let's not be debbie downers. it's the season of sunnies, so bust 'em out (cause the sun's still really bright, even on days with an overcast). in the past, i didn't feel very encouraged to buy designer shades; i lost my Michael Kors, my Marc Jacobs, and my Chanel. if you were me, you'd feel the same way. soooo i've been playfully investing in $10 wannabes at Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, and Nordies' very own Brass & Plum. this year, i wanna start investing in the real stuff again. here are some toys and some that are not... which do you like best? i like all of 'em... naturally.

this one also comes in black and tortoise, but it's only $65 so why the heck not?!

this comes in nude, too... but i like it better in black. and bc i look fugly in nude.

i'm torn between tortoise and black...

too sexy to ignore.... don't lie. you love it too

1 comment:

  1. I love stunnas too! I agree invest in the real stuff... Tory Burch got some nice price points for the ladies.. Gotta have one Tortoise and one Black
